The STARS project aims to create a more inclusive and equitable sports sector by providing equal access and participation possibilities, which in turn will have a positive and transformative impact on individuals, communities, and society by addressing the social dimension, implementing inclusive practices, addressing social issues and promoting lifelong learning. STARS identifies key challenges in the sport sector, related to digitalisation, green transition, discrimination and gender-based violence, and other challenges derived from the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
Although the challenges are increasing, there is a big gap when it comes to projects and research focusing on the sports sector, not allowing challenges to be transformed into opportunities. Evidently, the latest studies within the sport sector, in terms of education, skills and competences date back, even before COVID-19. STARS aims to engage in meaningful, intense international and intersectional cooperation to provide an educational framework that addresses the challenges of sport and covers this gap.
In order to achieve these goals, STARS will foster the creation of Large-scale and Regional Skill Partnerships, and design, develop and test implement a Holistic Sports Education Model.